Observed and urbanization-adjusted annual maximum peak discharge and associated urban fraction and precipitation values at USGS streamgage:

Observed annual peak-flood magnitudes were adjusted to 2010 land-use conditions on the basis of panel data regression model with fixed effect analysis.  The symbols presented in the figure are: "observed annual peaks", "adjusted annual peaks", and   "fraction of urbanization in the watershed"

Legend for Graph

Water year Segment Discharge code Cumulative reservoir storage (acre-feet) Urban fraction Precipitation (inches) Observed peak discharge (ft3/s) Adjusted peak discharge (ft3/s) Exceedance probability
1959 1 -- 40000 0.130 0.001 800 952 0.502
1960 1 -- 40000 0.133 1.070 1900 2170 0.061
1961 1 -- 40000 0.134 0.331 480 589 0.800
1962 1 -- 40000 0.135 0.001 790 936 0.516
1963 1 -- 40000 0.136 0.549 420 520 0.847
1964 1 -- 40000 0.138 0.104 350 440 0.896
1965 1 -- 40000 0.139 0.131 560 676 0.737
1966 1 -- 40000 0.140 1.584 1850 2100 0.067
1967 1 -- 40000 0.141 1.705 1690 1920 0.087
1968 1 -- 40000 0.142 2.331 467 569 0.815
1969 1 -- 40053 0.143 2.166 1960 2210 0.057
1970 1 -- 40053 0.145 1.261 500 604 0.789
1971 1 -- 40053 0.148 0.712 1140 1300 0.270
1972 1 -- 40053 0.151 0.842 1140 1300 0.272
1973 1 -- 40053 0.154 1.876 1470 1660 0.143
1974 1 -- 40113 0.157 0.598 1080 1230 0.311
1975 1 -- 40113 0.160 0.009 798 920 0.529
1976 1 -- 40113 0.163 0.838 1140 1290 0.279
1977 1 -- 40113 0.166 0.880 258 319 0.948
1978 1 -- 40113 0.169 2.480 722 828 0.612
1979 1 -- 40113 0.172 0.226 771 879 0.567
1980 1 -- 40113 0.175 0.198 380 450 0.891
1981 1 -- 40113 0.176 0.981 492 572 0.813
1982 1 -- 40113 0.177 3.071 1110 1240 0.306